What is the reason for the solar inverter alarm

What is the reason for the solar inverter alarm?

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Solar inverter is a key device in a solar power generation system, which converts the DC power generated by solar panels into AC power for home or industrial use. However, during use, the inverter may experience various alarm conditions, affecting the normal operation of the system.


First. Common causes of solar inverter alarms


Abnormal DC input voltage

(1) DC input voltage is too high: When the output voltage of the solar panel exceeds the rated input voltage of the inverter, the inverter will issue an overvoltage alarm. This may be caused by improper configuration of the solar panel or the rated input voltage of the inverter being too low.


Solution: Check the configuration of the solar panel to ensure that its output voltage is within the rated range of the inverter. If the rated input voltage of the inverter is too low, consider replacing the inverter.


(2) DC input voltage is too low: When the output voltage of the solar panel is lower than the starting voltage of the inverter, the inverter will issue an undervoltage alarm. This may be caused by insufficient output power of the solar panel or excessive starting voltage of the inverter.


Solution: Check the output power of the solar panel to ensure that it meets the starting requirements of the inverter. If the starting voltage of the inverter is too high, you can consider replacing the inverter.


2 Abnormal AC output voltage

(1) The AC output voltage is too high: When the AC voltage output by the inverter exceeds the rated voltage, the inverter will issue an overvoltage alarm. This may be due to grid voltage fluctuations, or improper regulation of the inverter's output voltage.


Solution: Check the grid voltage to make sure it is within the rated range of the inverter. If the grid voltage fluctuates greatly, consider installing a voltage stabilizer. Also, check the inverter's output voltage regulation settings to make sure they are correct.


(2) The AC output voltage is too low: When the AC voltage output by the inverter is lower than the rated voltage, the inverter will issue an undervoltage alarm. This may be due to improper regulation of the inverter's output voltage, or grid voltage fluctuations.


Solution: Check the inverter's output voltage regulation setting to make sure it is correct. If the grid voltage fluctuates greatly, consider installing a voltage stabilizer.

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(3) Overload protection

When the output power of the inverter exceeds the rated power, the inverter will issue an overload alarm. This may be caused by an excessive load, or the inverter's power rating being too small.


Solution: Check the size of the load to make sure it is within the rated power range of the inverter. If the load is too large, consider reducing the load or increasing the rated power of the inverter.


4 short circuit protection

When the output terminal of the inverter is short-circuited, the inverter will issue a short-circuit alarm. This may be due to a wiring fault, or an internal fault within the inverter.


Solution: Check the wiring to make sure there is no short circuit. If there is no problem with the circuit, it may be an internal fault of the inverter and you need to contact the manufacturer for repair.


5 overheating protection

When the temperature of the inverter exceeds the rated temperature, the inverter will issue an overheating alarm. This may be caused by high ambient temperature or poor heat dissipation of the inverter.


Solution: Check the ambient temperature to make sure it is within the rated range of the inverter. If the ambient temperature is too high, consider adding heat dissipation equipment. At the same time, check the inverter's cooling system to ensure it is working properly.


6 Abnormal battery voltage

When the battery voltage exceeds or is lower than the rated voltage of the inverter, the inverter will issue a battery voltage abnormality alarm. This may be due to an aging battery, or the inverter's voltage rating being set incorrectly.


Solution: Check the status of the battery to make sure it is in good working order. If the battery is old, consider replacing the battery. Also, check the inverter's rated voltage setting to make sure it is correct.


7 Communication failureWhen the communication between the inverter and the monitoring system fails, the inverter will issue a communication failure alarm. This may be due to a communication line failure, or an internal fault within the inverter.


Solution: Check the communication line to make sure it is not faulty. If there is no problem with the communication line, it may be an internal fault of the inverter and you need to contact the manufacturer for repair.

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Second. Preventive measures for solar inverter alarms


1 Reasonable configuration of solar panels

When designing a solar power generation system, the solar panels should be configured appropriately to ensure that their output voltage is within the rated range of the inverter. At the same time, the installation angle and direction of solar panels should be considered to obtain the best power generation effect.


2 Choose the right inverter

When selecting an inverter, consider its rated input voltage, rated power, starting voltage and other factors to ensure that it matches the solar panels and load. At the same time, it is necessary to choose an inverter with reliable quality to reduce the failure rate.


3 Strengthen line inspection

Regularly check the circuits of the solar power generation system to ensure that there are no short circuits, open circuits or other faults. At the same time, check the connection method of the line to ensure that it meets the specification requirements.